

Simply Sneaks is a blog which will be based around the things that I love, i mean isn’t that why most people start a blog? To talk about something they like?

A little about me:

My name is Anika but Sneaks was a nickname given to me a couple of years ago at University and it has just stuck! I studied International Management With American Business at The University Of Manchester. It was a 4 year year course with the 3rd year abroad at The Ohio State University (amazing!). Ohio State  was truly amazing and I had one of the best years of my life there, I also joined the Delta Gamma sorority. I had no idea what I was getting myself into haha but joining DG was the best decision I made and i really got a great american college experience! #GoBucks

So what do i love? Well….

Traveling- I love traveling and have been lucky that my parents do as well, so I had seen a fair amount of the world by a young age and continue to travel whenever possible.

Fitness – Being fit and healthy  is a passion of mine and I am currently studying for my Personal Training Qualification with hopes to set up a fitness related business concept at some point. On the eating side of things, I have cooked for myself since i was about 16 just because i like to know exactly what is in my food and I enjoy thinking of ways to make my meals taste amazing whilst also being nutritious.

Photos- Often my friends have told me that when i am not around for a period of time photos ‘tagged’ of them pretty much stops. Although I am not a professional I  love taking photographs of anything and everything and have done since I was about 12 when i got my first digital camera.

Fashion- So i’m not one to really look at trends, whats on the runway or anything like that but that doesn’t mean i don’t like fashion. I dress how I like to dress and if I like something i’ll wear it whether its on trend or not ( I wouldn’t even know!)  I’ll be posting bits and pieces in this category so I hope you enjoy it 🙂

Be sure to Follow Me on Instagram- >> @anika5

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